Tag: Amazon

  • Disconnecting: Phase I Report & Phase II Plan

    Last year, I deleted my FaceBook account. I was so sick of seeing people on the right demanding a haircut and people on the left predicting doom that I just quit. I couldn’t take it anymore. There were people with college degrees talking about the end of all life on earth; there were people who…

  • Nothing Worth Doing is Easy; No Gain is Achieved without Sacrifice

    If it sounds like I’m working out, it’s because I am. Well, not CrossFit or P90X or any of that–just walking around the block more during the day. But that’s part of my overall plan. No, I’m not trying to get ripped in the off-season. I’m trying to disentangle myself from screens. I’m trying to…

  • The Problematic Nature of Amazon’s Hellier

    Amazon’s docuseries, Hellier, details an investigation by three apparently terribly ignorant “paranormal researchers” into the presence of small “goblins” living in a mineshaft near the moribund mining town of Hellier, Kentucky. Despite being rife with pseudoscience and obvious bad actors (as in agents, not hired thespians), the show emphasizes the growing and alarming disparity between…